€699,00 EUR

6 monthly payments

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Fatje's VIP Coaching (multi-payment)

Who is this for?

All women who....

  • are overwhelmed by their current life.
  • stuck in a routine.
  • fear that they haven't achieved anything yet.
  • want to make a career but do not dare to take the step.
  • want to achieve a certain goal but do not know how.
  • don't having enough self-confidence.
  • don't have a positive self-image
  • are not able to set boundaries in their environment.

With my coaching method you will :

  • 12 weeks of intensive coaching
  • we design your dream life
  • create a step-by-step plan to achieve this dream life
  • We will plan each step together
  • 2 accountability 60 min calls a week. One on Monday and one on Friday.
  • Accountability checks through whatsapp almost every day.
  • Specific coaching in the area that is needed.